Film&tv Media

En meget sørgelig affære

Håkon Gundersen i Morgenbladet har kjeda seg på filmfestival i Haugesund, foregir å skulle si noe om hvorfor kinobesøket daler, og lykkes stort sett bare i å høres grinete ut. Men intervjusekvensen med Pål Bang-Hansen er verdt trykksverten/pikslene sine.

Jaja. Jaja. Dette er jo sånn journalister må være i alle tilfelle. Til og med når det er NM i friidrett, som jeg forstår er en meget sørgelig affære, så kan jo ikke alle journalister som har spist rekesmørbrød fire dager til ende komme hjem og si at på NM var det ikke noen vits i å være! Da ville du jo ikke bli sendt dit på nytt igjen.


Markedsføring som påtrengende teater

eller vice versa:

The strangest things was on the train back to Heathrow, two men stopped in my car and started talking about how one of them wasn’t going to make his flight. The man insisted that he was going to make his flight because he’d checked-in online way before hand at The conversation/argument went on for about a minute and a half before the stuff got out of hand and it turned out that the guys were actors paid to make us think about They went to the next car and began again.

Nå ser jeg fram til fabrikerte krangler om på t-banen … (Via Erik Stattin)

Media Morsomt

Lyst hode

AP: Do you read what’s written about you? Do you pick up the tabloids?

Hilton: I don’t read any of it. I just look at the pictures to see what I was wearing last week and if it was cute.

AP: Do you read blogs?

Hilton: What’s that?

AP: Um, they’re these things on the Internet where people write about news and stuff.

Hilton: No, I don’t really read anything on the Internet except my AOL mail. I don’t like people who sit on computers all day long and write about people they don’t know anything about.

AP: Paris, you just described my job.

(Her publicist, Rob Shuter, laughs.)

AP: What did you want to be when you were a little girl?

Hilton: A veterinarian, but then I realized I could just buy a bunch of animals.

Paris Hilton-intervju fra Fox News, via Erik Stattin.