Interessant posting i Frontal Cortex om hvor lite vi egentlig vet om forskjeller mellom hvordan kvinners og menns hjerner fungerer. Og det “alle” vet, for eksempel om intuisjon, kan vise seg å være helt feil:
What they found, in a nutshell, is that men not only trade more often than women but do so from a false faith in their own financial judgment. Single men traded less sensibly than married men, and married men traded less sensibly than single women: the less the female presence, the less rational the approach to trading in the markets.
Resultatet av denne studien er kanskje litt mindre overraskende?
The male brains are just “doing the math” and turn off after they have made a decision. The female brains […] are worrying, and thinking about the reward consequences, after they have decided how much to repay.