Se bøker legges til i bibliotekkatalogen WorldCat — i sanntid. I snitt legges det til en ny ca. hvert 10. sekund. Å se titler som The story of St. Andrew’s United Church and its place in Manitoba’s history fyke forbi passer kanskje ikke alles definisjon av fest og moro, men for noen av oss er det fullkomment fascinerende.
Blant siste minutters observerte titler:
- Some applications of polynomial approximation to dynamic programming
- Disease activity, coping behavior, social support, and illness-related self-disclosure among persons with inflammatory bowel disease
- Hurricane Katrina
- Abteilung “Mowe” auf dem Tanganjika-See Deutsch-Ostafrika (1914-1918)
- De Lisboa a Sevilha pelos Pirineos
- An evaluation of how John Paul II’s critics engage the arguments that he uses to support natural family planning and to oppose the use of artificial birth control
(Via ResearchBuzz)