
Mens vi venter på Dollhouse

Det høres lovlig corny ut, men jeg tar meg den frihet å glede meg likevel. Hey, det er Whedon OG Fillion:

(Whedon) came straight from wrapping production of his next musical project: Doctor Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog, an entirely independent made-for-Internet (but no word yet on where you’ll find it) musical-comedy, conceived during the fallow strike period.

Here’s what we know: Three acts, or episodes. 30 minutes total. Written with his brothers. Starring, as the title would-be super-villain, the versatile Neil Patrick Harris (…) and Whedon repertory favorite Nathan Fillion as the hero. Felicia Day (who played Vi, one of the slayerettes in Buffy’s final season) rounds out the main cast. In a nod to Buffy’s “Once More With Feeling” musical episode, Joss’s old partner in crime Marti Noxon (well remembered for her “parking ticket” aria) has a cameo as well.

(Joss Whedon, Music Man —

2 replies on “Mens vi venter på Dollhouse”

Dollhouse! Nå!

Vi har allerede sett 4 sesonger av Buffy, venter på de tre siste fra Play 🙂

Ser fram til å se Neil Patrick Harris og Nathan Fillion spille sammen i musikal-komedie, høres potensielt hysterisk morsomt ut 🙂

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